Gentle rock chic

Red skinny jeans Witchery colored denim new season fashion trend 2012 fashion blog Australia 594x913 Gentle rock chic
Witchery jeans, Chester boots, Kookai belt and tank, Saba jacket
On Sunday we went to The Rocks Aroma Festival. It was the first outing for our little family that we also used as an opportunity to meet up with a couple of close friends. The day was absolutely perfect: bright sun and air infused with aroma of freshly brewed coffee, chocolate and spices. My rock chic look might contradict slightly to such family oriented event. But... I was dying to wear these red skinny jeans!
Of course, for a Sunday afternoon coffee festival I had to be moderate with my  'rocker' outfit. So this time there were no metal chains, black eyeliner and crazy hair involved. I even had to opt for a tiny heel as there was a lot of walking on Sunday. Even though the beloved 12-cm stilettos is a better choice 'rocker style'-wise they would not survive the distance.
Earrings like cross 594x486 Gentle rock chic
Earrings bought at markets in Whitsundays
Styling red skinny jeans rocker style Witchery colored denim new trend fashion blogger Australia 594x890 Gentle rock chic

red jeans colord denim style new season fashion 2011 fashion blog Australia 594x424 Gentle rock chic

Styling red skinny jeans Witchery colored denim new trend fashion blog Australia 594x890 Gentle rock chic

Booties rocker style news season fashion trend fashion blog Australia 594x699 Gentle rock chic
Good old Chester booties: still alive and rocking.
That Sunday was all about moderation: coffee just enough to get the taste and style gentle enough to transmit the spirit of rock.
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