UCLA - The Business of Creativity

444 South Flower Street Los Angeles, California 90071 tel: 213 688 6288-fax: 213 688 6290

UCLA Certificate Course: “The Business of Creativity”

UCLA Extension has approved the creation of a Certificate course of study in business management for the 'creative industries'. Participation by industry experts will include guest lecturing, and appearances on required seminars. The course study is intended for those who are already in the 'creative industries'. Existing companies can send their qualified personnel for additional education, as it relates to the business of their 'creative' specialty. Additionally, the curriculum will provide valuable insights for those thinking of entering the 'creative industry'.

Join us for the first seminar on May 13th!

UCLA Extension – “the Business of Creativty”

Seminar # 1.
Date: May 13, 2010
Time: 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Downtown L.A. Campus
261 So. Figueroa St. Courtyard

“Career Paths in the Creative Economy”
· What do I need to know…
· Where do I start?....

Panelists for the “Mechanics of Success”:
o IPR…protecting your brand, your trade name, and yourself!
Doug Lipstone - Buchalter Nemer LLP
o Accounting….what is a business plan?
Christian Emerson - Richardson Kontogouris Emerson LLP
o Defining career opportunities
Tammy Chatkin-Newman - 24 Seven Inc.
o Understanding customer demographics
Lynne Sperling - Sperling & Hileman Associates
o Utilizing Internet Marketing
Sara Stein, S.PR - Schell & Stein, Public Relations

To RSVP, go to: https://www.uclaextension.edu/r/Course.aspx?reg=V6387

Or call registration 310.825.9971
Reg# V6387
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