AIMS FREE Seminars Series

AIMS FREE Seminars Series for
LA Textile Week Monday, Sep 27th

AIMS Technology Solutions, Inc.
California Market Center
Suite A1173
Los Angeles, CA 90079

Understanding Apparel Principles Using Software Applications
Monday Septermber 27th
9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

An overview of manufacturing, distribution and
wholesaling using AIMS®, Apparel Information
Management Systems, a completely integrated order,
production and inventory control processing system
for manufacturers, importers and distributors. Learn
how to manage your business with apparel software
via the internet anytime, anywhere.
Presented by Henry Cherner of AIMS

EDI Made Simple
Monday Septermber 27th
10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Learn from the experts! If you are in the apparel
industry and want to do business with major
department stores, you must attend this seminar!
EDI topics will include UPC numbers, bar coding,
ASN’s, UCC-128 labels, EDI integration, service
bureaus and Inovis catalogs.
Presented by eCsss, AIMS, Progressive Label &
Innovative Systems

QuickBooks for the Apparel Industry
Monday Septermber 27th
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.

There is information that needs to be included in
your accounting system in order to produce financial
statements. Learn the basics about how to integrate
financial information into the General Ledger of
QuickBooks using AIMS.
Presented by Scott Allen

Retailing Online – Easy Shop
Monday Septermber 27th
1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Have you ever wanted to sell retail online? Learn the
inside way of retailing online from the industry’s best.
It’s more than just a website; it’s an online retail store
to generate revenue. Topics include: Why web retailing
is important, responsibilities of opening a web store,
search engine optimization & advertising, marketing
your site, web merchandising, options & services
available for retailing online & best options for you.
Presented by Focal Technology
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