Branded Seminars FBI

Branded Seminars
Feb 17, 11am
Turning a Bad Economy into a Profitable Business Opportunity

This seminar will explain how, with careful planning to turn those creative ideas into a profitable small apparel related business-

Presented by:
Frances Harder

hard rock hotel

Fashion Business, Inc. Presents:

~ MAGIC Networking Event ~

Feb 17

6pm - 8:30pm

Hard Rock Hotel (Central Bar)

Mix and Mingle with Fashion Industry professionals, including all the FBI Consultants and Seminar Series Speakers. Come face-to-face with like-minded, motivated professionals in your field. Facebook and Twitter can make you quick connections, but shaking an individual's hand will make a lasting impression. Don't miss this wonderful opportunity! See you there!

(Drinks NOT included)

Branded Seminars Cont.
Feb 18, 9am
Retailing for Profit in a New Economy

Lifestyle, financial planning and new merchandising methods are an important part of succeeding in the changed economy. This seminar will discuss new online marketing and traditional methods that should be incorporated into planning for 2010 retail operations and beyond.

Location: To be announced

Frances Harder

Dana Fried, Frank Kaufman, Susan Brandt
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