Mark your calenders for these upcoming guest speakers in March and April here in the Saddleback College Fashion Department!
- Wed. March 3rd - 6:00pm : Terra Mack from St John Knits - High End Women's line - From Design to Production BGS 104
- Wed. March 10th - 4:00pm : Tracy West from Cach Cach - High End Children's line Designer BGS 119
- Mon. March 22nd - 5:30pm: Paul Jaurequi from Harvey's Seatbelt Bag - PR and Director of Wholesale
- Sat. March 27th - 10:30am : Adrienne Ernst from Oakley - Merchandising Director
- Mon. March 29th - 5:00pm : Josh Riessen from Element - Men's Accessories Designer
- Thur April 1st - 6pm : Jen Barrios and Tami Bell from Quiksilver - Design Director and Merchandiser in a Major OC Surf-wear Clothing Company
- Tues. April 6th - 5:00pm : Successful former student(s) Dustie Smith from Dustie Doll, and possibly Joseph Morris and Molly Hogan.
- Mon. April 12th - 5:00pm Henry Cherner from AIMS - Fashion Production Technology
- Wed. April 14th - 4:00pm Frances Harder from Fashion Business Incubator - Founder of FBI Fashion Networking and Education
- Tues. April 20th - 6:00pm Melissa Robles from Trina Turk - Merchandising Manager
- Tues. April 27th - 6:00pm Martha Harrison - Vintage Garments and Swatches Print Studio