2010 Design Submission Deadline June 1st
The deadline for submitting designs for the 2010 Design Exhibition is quickly approaching! All designs must be submitted by 11:59 pm PT on Tuesday, June 1, 2010. The designer who uploads the submission must be a member of ITAA. This includes undergraduate students. If there are co-designers, only the submitting designer must be a member. Please realize that if a faculty member is listed as co-designer, the submission will not be considered for undergraduate awards, and will be reviewed in the professional category. If a professional member submits the design for an undergraduate or graduate student, without being listed as co-designer, the submission will be disqualified.
If you have already submitted a design under the professional category when in fact either graduate student or undergraduate student is the correct category, please contact ITAA so that the entry may be either ‘unsubmitted’ or deleted and a fresh entry made. For instance, if a professional member submitted a design for an undergraduate student and the entry is under the professional member’s name but the member wishes the design to be in the undergraduate student’s name, the submission must be deleted from the system, the undergraduate student must join (someone else can make the entry if the student has already left for the summer), and then the submission can be made using the undergraduate student’s log in name and password.
For clarification purposes, please know that the Proceedings must be submitted on the Proceedings Template, must include at least the front image of the design, and may include one more image of your choosing. Do not upload additional graphics into the submission site. Although we realize this new requirement may cause some problems for sponsors during its inauguration year, the rule was enacted to provide better accountability to ITAA members.
If you encounter difficulties logging in to the system and have not contacted ITAA, please refrain from attempting to set up multiple accounts. Doing so will not get you into the system but will create additional difficulties in resolving your issues quickly. ITAA will gladly assist you on Tuesday, June 1, 2010.
Be sure to check out the PAA/ITAA design scholarship. Encourage your students to apply. Deadline, June 14th. For all information go to:
A revised 2010 Call for Designs has been uploaded to the ITAA website. Visit http://www.itaaonline.org/
A direct link to the 2010 submission site, as well as commonly used design forms have been added to the ITAA home page for the convenience of those wishing to enter the design competition for 2010. Visit http://www.itaaonline.org/www/