Petition for Saddleback College Certificates and Occupational Skills Awards DUE DATE is March 1st. The date to file for a certificate or OSA for Spring 2011 is March 1st, just a month away.
As a reminder, if you have students who this spring will be finishing up their last classes toward their certificate then they must complete the attached Petition for Certificate or Occupational Skills Award form before March 1 and turn into Admissions & Records.
If you or your students have any questions, please refer them to me and I will be happy to help. Attached is both the petition form and a flyer announcing the deadline date. Thanks again for your help.
*Don't forget February is National CTE Month: Be on the look out for upcoming CTE activities!
Penny Skaff, M.A.
Counseling Services & Special Program
(949) 582-4284
As a reminder, if you have students who this spring will be finishing up their last classes toward their certificate then they must complete the attached Petition for Certificate or Occupational Skills Award form before March 1 and turn into Admissions & Records.
If you or your students have any questions, please refer them to me and I will be happy to help. Attached is both the petition form and a flyer announcing the deadline date. Thanks again for your help.
*Don't forget February is National CTE Month: Be on the look out for upcoming CTE activities!
Penny Skaff, M.A.
Counseling Services & Special Program
(949) 582-4284
Click on paperwork above to enlarge and print from your computer.