Woodbury University - Geometric Cuts Collection

Click image to enlarge.

New York Trip - Summer 2012

Visit New York City Summer 2012 with Saddleback Fashion Dept! There will be an informational meeting Wednesday, December 7 @ 4:00pm. in BGS 119.

Get all the details about the New York trip!
The first 20 students to sign-up will be guaranteed a spot!
Put it on your Christmas list!

Trash Fashion Contest

Trash Fashion Contest! Make a garment out of something you would throw away (non-textile).
Winner will win two tickets to Disneyland! There will be a 2nd and 3rd place prize as well. Come and check out other entries on Thursday, Dec. 8th at 5pm-6pm in SSC 212!

Cach Cach Warehouse Sale

Cachcach would like to apologize for the cancellation of today's warehouse sale due to the un-scheduled paving of our parking area and driveway. We are therefore re-scheduling today's sale for next Monday (Nov. 28th).

Donate Your Old Jeans!

Thanks for your help!

Design Position - 24 Seven

I have an assistant design position in ladies sportswear that I would like to share with you! This is to begin on Monday and will probably continue for 3-5 days. Our client is looking for a candidate who has strong technical skills and is proficient in Photoshop and Illustrator. The pay range will be around $12-15hr (not confirmed).
Please let me know if you're available along with an updated resume and technical sketches attached! Respond only via email!
Thank you,
Michele Morelli
Talent Management Coordinator
120 Wooster Street, 4th Floor
New York, New York 10012
T. 212.966.4426

24 Seven

Freedom and Fashion Show

FnF's Fashion Show Tickets are on SALE!

The event you've been waiting for is here! The 3rd Annual FnF Fashion Show will be held on December 17, 2011 at the famous Cooper Design Space. Limited seating is available, so don't wait to buy your tickets!

And for 10% off on all ticket prices, enter the discount code "REBIRTH" (good until 12/11/11, 11:00PM) at checkout!

For more information, please visit the Freedom and Fashion website.

Cach Cach Sample Sale

Check out Cach Cach's sample sale this weekend! Click on image to enlarge for details.

New Class Spring 2012 - Fashion Photo Shoot!

Click on Image to Enlarge

For the first time ever, Saddleback Fashion Department is offering a Fashion Photo Shoot class. Learn how to style and organize your own photo shoots for the Fashion Industry! Register online now at www.saddleback.edu/cs

House of Style - OC Fashion Week

Click on flier to enlarge for details
Saddleback Fashion student Cheri Wilson will be showing her designs!

PARIS FASHION in the Time of Louis XV

Click on flier above to enlarge for details about event.
"PARIS FASHION in the Time of Louis XV" Lecture by Maxwell Barr - 7:00 pm, November 15th at Woodbury University

Student Featured on Italian Vogue Website

Click on image to be sent to Vogue site.

Brandi Borchard, a Saddleback College Fashion Student, recently had a dress she made in FASH 132 Draping (in Spring 2010) on the Italian Vogue website! Earlier in the year she did a photoshoot with 16 year old prodigal photographer Raul Romo and he did an editorial based around the dress. The dress is made out of plastic bags. Brandi currently designs a swimwear line "Bonsoir Bella" and has a great success with it. She has been featured also in Alt Noir, Prism, and Votive magazines, but this is her first and only non-swimwear/lingerie shoot. Please check out her website and facebook below.


OC Fashion Week

Check out the upcoming OC Fashion Week - Click on flier above to enlarge for details.
The OC Fashion Association is a non-profit mutual benefit corporation dedicated to promoting unity within our diverse fashion community while supporting emerging talent. website: http://www.ocfashionassociation.com
facebook fan page: http://www.facebook.com/OCFashionAssociation
twitter: http://www.twitter.com/OCFASSOCtumblr: http://ocfashionassociation.tumblr.com/tumblr

mailing address: PO BOX 2455, Costa Mesa, CA 92628

Day of the Dead Event in San Juan Capistrano

By Julie Sparkuhl

Day of the Dead, a celebration of life and death, took place the other day at the San Juan Capistrano Library. Festivities consisted of Mexican food, candy skull decoration, coloring masks, and selling various goods, plus alters dedicated to the dead. One alter in particular was created in honor of Dr. Seuss. Music took a huge place at the library, as two Mariachi bands performed; one of them was from Dana Hills High School.

One artist Judith Anderson, wore a skull decorated with flowers was made by Sacia O …fascinating, also she created a alter to her mother-law-mother. Overall the day was fun for all.

Click on images to enlarge
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