"Carry Me! Design Competition" - Win $5,000

PINK SATIN & CLEAR Purse of the Week
Presented by the "Carry Me! Design Competition" This pink satin and clear handbag (c. 1955-59) by Charles S. Kahn represents true 1950’s fashion flare. (From the collection of Caryn Scheidt) For more design insiprations, visit http://www.lucitelux.com/ or follow us at http://www.facebook.com/lucitelux.

In the next few weeks, we'll be sharing with you the results of our Q&A with the judges for the "Carry Me! Design Competition". Find out what inspires them and what they are looking for when judging your design entries.
To learn more about Lucite® products, contact Jane Nash at 1-800-4-LUCITE ext. 2426.

Win $5000!! There is plenty of time to enter your handbag designs in the 2010 Carry Me! design competition. Get competition details and pre-register at http://lucitelux-carryme.com/.

Check out the Q& A with Simon Ellis HERE or click on image to left.

Check out Q&A with Caryn Scheidt HERE or click on image to left.

Check out the Q& A with Alexis Bittar HERE or click on image to left.

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