Putting on the Glitz:
Hollywood’s Influence on Fashion
With a talk by
Lynn Mally
UCI Professor of History
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
5:30 p.m.
Langson Library, UC Irvine
Reception and exhibit viewing to follow immediately
Reservations requested by October 14
The Libraries fall exhibit, Putting on the Glitz: Hollywood’s Influence on Fashion, examines the major influence Hollywood had and continues to have over fashion.
In the early 1930s, European designers realized that a dramatic shift had occurred in the fashion industry. Paris was no longer the fashion capital of the world. With eighty-five million movie tickets being purchased each week, Hollywood had become a potent force, with the ability to reach almost all social classes and spread new fashions quickly. Movies had glamorous stars, huge budgets, and innovative designers all geared toward marketing and selling a trend.
The Libraries exciting new visual exhibit will highlight films and designers from Hollywood’s golden years through the 20th century, all presented within a historical context. The scope of the exhibit demonstrates how the entertainment industry dictates trends and ideologies and acts as a socializing force. Items presented include books, magazines and newspaper articles, images, videos, and movie posters from the Libraries’ collections, and exciting costumes on display from UCI’s drama department. Becky Imamoto, Research Librarian for History, is the curator.
The opening night event will feature a talk by Lynn Mally, UCI Professor of History, followed by a reception and exhibit viewing. Professor Mally teaches classes and gives lectures on fashion history at UCI and in the community. The event is free and open to the public.With a talk by
Lynn Mally
UCI Professor of History
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
5:30 p.m.
Langson Library, UC Irvine
Reception and exhibit viewing to follow immediately
Reservations requested by October 14
The Libraries fall exhibit, Putting on the Glitz: Hollywood’s Influence on Fashion, examines the major influence Hollywood had and continues to have over fashion.
In the early 1930s, European designers realized that a dramatic shift had occurred in the fashion industry. Paris was no longer the fashion capital of the world. With eighty-five million movie tickets being purchased each week, Hollywood had become a potent force, with the ability to reach almost all social classes and spread new fashions quickly. Movies had glamorous stars, huge budgets, and innovative designers all geared toward marketing and selling a trend.
The Libraries exciting new visual exhibit will highlight films and designers from Hollywood’s golden years through the 20th century, all presented within a historical context. The scope of the exhibit demonstrates how the entertainment industry dictates trends and ideologies and acts as a socializing force. Items presented include books, magazines and newspaper articles, images, videos, and movie posters from the Libraries’ collections, and exciting costumes on display from UCI’s drama department. Becky Imamoto, Research Librarian for History, is the curator.
The exhibit will be on display through April 2011 in the Langson Library Reynolds Gallery during regular library hours. For more information or to make a reservation, please call the Library Development Office at 949.824.4651 or email partners@uci.edu. WEBSITE