Sign up for Fashion Classes NOW for this upcoming Spring 2011 semester! Enroll now to secure your spot in these fashion classes. DO NOT WAIT until the first day of class!FASH 100 Beginning Sewing
Designed for the beginner. Learn simple sewing methods using easy to sew patterns and speed techniques.
- 13505A Sa 10:30AM - 2:20 K. BENSON BGS 110
- 14035A Th 10:30AM - 2:20 L. ELSTON BGS 110
- 80105A W F 4:00PM - 5:50 L. YANCEY BGS 104
- 13515A T 6:00PM - 9:50 L. ELSTON BGS 110
- 22695A Th 6:00PM - 9:50 L. GOMEZ-ORTIGOZA BGS 110
Learn the business of fashion! Explore the fashion industry through researching fashion careers, studying fashion terminology, fashion cycles, trends and the packaging and marketing of a product.
- 13335 W 6:00PM - 8:50 STAFF BGS 119
- 13790 W 12:00PM - 2:50 K. KAMINSKI BGS 119
- 22770 T 12:00PM - 2:50 D. MCGROARTY BGS 119
FASH 110 Contemporary Clothing Construction
A faster paced class for those who have sewn before but wish to perfect basic and intermediate skills. Students will complete 3 garments and a fitting shell. Ideal for students wishing to transfer.
- 14210A M 10:30AM - 3:20 L. BONSALL BGS 110
- 14055A Sa 10:30AM - 3:20 M. HILL & T. WEST BGS 104
- 22700A W 5:00PM - 9:50 M. BYRON BGS 110
FASH 111 Intermediate Sewing
Designed for those who have SEWN BEFORE but need to upgrade and perfect sewing techniques on industrial sewing machines.
- 14055D Sa 10:30AM - 2:20 M. HILL & T. WEST BGS 104
- 14210D M 10:30AM - 2:20 L. BONSALL BGS 110
- 80105D W F 4:00PM - 5:50 L. YANCEY BGS 104
- 22700D W 6:00PM - 9:50 M. BYRON BGS 110
Develop professional portfolios and presentation skills while studying fashion designers, fashion vocabulary, production and construction of clothing, jewelry, leather, shoes, and accessories.
- 22775 Th 6:00PM - 9:50 M. HILL BGS 119
Introduces students to the fashion industry environment in So. California. Students will study such vital areas as the California Mart, garment district and design houses through a series of Friday class field trips
- 22690D Friday Field Trips K. KAMINSKI off campus
Learn how professionals in the Fashion industry are minimizing their businesses impact on the earth and "going green". Students will visit designers, retailers, textile manufactures and "eco-preneurs" to learn how they have become fashion crusaders with light footprints making sure that "green" never goes out of fashion again!
- 22690A Friday Field Trips K. KAMINSKI off campus
- 13505D and 13505G Sa 10:30AM - 2:20 K. BENSON BGS 110
- 14035D and 14035G Th 10:30AM - 2:20 L. ELSTON BGS 110
- 80105M, 80105G, and 80105J W F 4:00PM - 5:50 L. YANCEY BGS 104
- 13515D and 13515G T 6:00PM - 9:50 L. ELSTON BGS 110
- 22695D and 22695G Th 6:00PM - 9:50 L. GOMEZ-ORTIGOZA BGS 110
- 14055J, 14055G, 14055M Sat 10:30AM - 2:20 M. HILL & T. WEST BGS 104
- 14210J and 14210G Mondays 10:30AM - 2:20 L. BONSALL BGS 110
- 22700G, 22700M, 22700J Weds 6:00PM - 9:50 M. BYRON BGS 110
Apply to the college and go onto MySite to enroll for the classes with the ticket numbers above.