Marketing your Product

Marketing Your Product
Finding your Target Market & the Sales Rep that's right for you!
Wednesday, April 28th 6:00- 8:00 PM
Marketing Your Product Finding your Target Market, & the Sales Rep that's right for you!
6pm - 8pm
Topics Covered:
How to find your best marketing strategy.
How to find your niche in the marketplace.
Where your product belongs in the retail world and how to place it there.
How to choose the distribution channels right for your product and finding sales representation.
How to work with distributors, showrooms, and sales reps.
Realistic expectations for marketing your product.Presented by Sheila Hill ~ Owner of Launch USA Showroom
110 East 9th St. Room C786
Los Angeles, CA 90079
Member $ 25.00, Non Member $ 40.00
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