- Stretched, pushed and forced yarns create slow, continuous motions in both graphical pattern and morphing surface construction.
| Dust
- Atomised particles of powder-fine and micro granular dust inspire new surface perceptions and handles for natural fibre fabrics.
- Light-responsive and chameleon- like in its ability to adapt to its environment, gentle prismatic shine reflects a new tactile surface decoration that is changeable, holographic and almost alchemic.
New Skin
- The naturally evolving patina of metal inspires hammered, tiled, indented, beaten and eroded structures, which are buffed and polished or left to naturally oxidize, pushing new evolutions in wearable metal textiles.
| Free Form
- Process dictates form, as freely manipulated surfaces create controlled randomness..
| Ceramic
- Updated ceramic inspired matte surfaces become more pared back and simple, with warmer tactile and unfinished aesthetics evolving for the autumn/ winter season using noble fibres.